Monday, May 31, 2010

What’s New In PowerShell 2

At work, where I do most of my PowerShell, we’ve only just shifted off XP, so until recently I’d not really looked much into the differences between PowerShell 1 and 2. The ISE is pretty good (its a debugger!), support for webservices is a few years too late (but very welcome) and I can see Remote PowerShell being pretty useful.

So I’d not really been keeping up. If anything I was deliberately ignoring it, to avoid the temptation to write something that would require upgrading the server. But eventually, I cracked[1].

Oh My God.

Put aside for the moment the absolute avalanche[2] of new cmdlets (write-verbose, out-gridview, select-xml[3], measure-object etc…), and put aside for the moment support for background jobs, the wonderful -split and -join operators, and even put aside how tab-completion now works for .net static methods...

Tab completion now works for script functions and their parameters. You can type in a function on one line, and be happily tab-completing it on the next. You can even add comment-based or XML help, though probably not at the console.

Once again, PowerShell rocks


[1] Blame PowerDbg

[2] Some guy[4] is writing a blog series on every new cmdlet!

[3] Select-Xml: Here’s one I used today at work to get all the references from all the C# project files within a folder hierarchy. Sure you could do it all before with XmlDocument, but check this out:

PS > dir . -filter:*.csproj -Recurse | `
Select-Xml -XPath:'//*[local-name() = "Reference"]' | `
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node


[4] He’s called Jonathan Medd, but the ‘some guy’ thing has a certain ring to it…

[5] Oh, and proper try{}catch{}finally{} error handling. I missed that

Friday, May 28, 2010

Problems Running Tests When Preserving Output Directory Structure with Team Build

Previously I’ve posted about how to override the Team Build default output directory scheme and produce something a bit more sane.

Unfortunately if you do implement this it can break the built-in test run task, and most of the recipes related to it. You’ll get the following error in your build logs:

MSBUILD : warning MSB6003: The specified task executable "MSTest.exe" could not be run. The directory name is invalid

If you run the build with /verbosity:detailed to see the actual args passed to MSTest.exe, and then run MSTest yourself interactively, you’ll see the real underlying error:

Directory "(my build path)\Binaries\Debug" not found.
For switch syntax, type "MSTest /help"

The problem here is that (as detailed on the TestToolsTask doco) the team foundation build targets sets up MSTest.exe with SearchPathRoot="$(OutDir)", ie $(BinariesRoot)\$(Configuration). But if you overrode CustomizableOutDir and never actually copied the binaries out to the output folder that directory will never get created.

Fix 1:

If you’re not really using CustomizableOutDir, remove it. Reverting to the default Team Build directory structure is the simplest way of getting the tests to be located and executed and everything to ‘play nice’.

Fix 2:

Make sure that if your TFBuild.proj says CustomizableOutDir you do actually have the corresponding custom tasks in the individual projects to copy the binaries (see my previous post), otherwise you end up with no output whatsoever, and the test task will fail.

Fix 3:

If you want CustomizableOutDir but want to be robust to the possibility that your project builds may not populate the output directory structures properly, you can hack your build to run the tests out of the source \bin\debug folders.

My first pass was just to add the following to my BeforeTestConfiguration target (that I’d added from the Running Unit Tests without a Test List recipie):

    <!--because this is what the TestTask gets its SearchPath set to, it must exist-->

    <MakeDir Directories="$(OutDir)"/>

But that wasn’t good enough on its own, because now the error was:

File "..\..\(blah)\bin\Debug\Assembly.UnitTests.dll" not found

The relative paths to the test assemblies were correct relative to the $(SolutionDir), but not relative to the $(OutDir). So, for want of a better answer, I just overwrite OutDir for the duration of the test task:

   <!—defined elsewhere-->

   <TestsToRun Include="$(SolutionRoot)\%2a%2a\bin\$(Configuration)\%2a.UnitTests.dll" />


  <Target Name="BeforeTestConfiguration">

    <!-- normal bits as per the recipe-->

    <Message Text="Using tests from @(TestsToRun)" Condition=" '$(IsDesktopBuild)'=='true' " />


    <CreateItem Include="@(TestsToRun)">

      <Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="LocalTestContainer"/>

      <Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="TestContainer"/>



    <Message Text="LocalTestContainer: @(LocalTestContainer)" Condition=" '$(IsDesktopBuild)'=='true' " />


    <!--Fix to allow use of CustomizableOutDir -->

    <MakeDir Directories="$(OutDir)"/>







  <Target Name="AfterTestConfiguration">





Whether this is a good idea or not I’m not sure, but it does seem to work. Note that I put it back the way it was afterwards (using AfterTestConfiguration).


I think the story here is that using CustomizableOutDir is a complete pain in the arse, which ends up requiring considerable customisation of the rest of the build workflow. I don’t mind a prescriptive process per-se, but I do have a real issue with the ‘flat’ output directory structure that Team Build kicks out. But attempting to change it just seems to cause a heap more trouble than it’s worth.

Actually - as Martin Fowler said years ago - using XML as a build language is a really dumb idea in retrospect. Everyone says TeamCity’s pretty cool: might be time to take a look at that…


PS: If you’re trying to get your head around what happens where in Team Build (aren’t we all) there’s a great Team Build Target Map over at the Accentient blog

PS: I notice on Aaron Hallberg’s blog there’s a much simpler approach if you just want to separate per-solution output directory structures, which may not suffer the same problems.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

WinDbg Pain Points

Previously I talked about PowerDbg, what an awesome idea it was, but how it lacked some things. Well I spoke to the author, Roberto[1], who asked me to put my code where my mouth was, and now I am working with him on the next version.

So… if there’s anything particularly painful that you do in WinDBG now is the time to shout. You can comment on this blog if you like, but better would be to raise a ‘proposed feature’ on the Codeplex site itself.

A good example would be just how hard it is to work with a .Net Dictionary in WinDBG (except PowerDbg already handles that, and even better in the new version). Anything where you want a slightly ‘higher level’ view of the raw SOS data.


[1] Yes, that Roberto.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

PowerShell 2 Breaking Change When Shelling Out

Whilst PowerShell 2 is by-and-large backwards compatible, I’ve discovered at least one breaking change that appears to be undocumented: the behaviour of argument parsing when calling another executable seems to have changed.

Previous behaviour:


PowerShell has effectively parsed the argument as if it were calling a PowerShell script: splitting it into two parts along the colon, and passing the second part ‘intact’ because it was quote wrapped.

New behaviour in v2:


PowerShell has treated the arguments as completely opaque and passed them to the exe using ‘normal’ command line parsing semantics (split on spaces etc…). It has not split the argument along the colon (which was the breaking change for us). In the second case, because the argument didn’t start with a quote (it starts with ‘-test’) the argument is broken in half at the space.

I think this is a good change, in that PowerShell shouldn’t make assumptions about how the exe you are calling likes it’s parameters (I got badly burnt that way trying to call an SSIS package). But it’s certainly one to watch out for.


PS: Not sure at all about this behaviour, which is the same in both v1 and v2:


Surely the fact you pass the argument as a string variable indicates you want it as one argument. Surely.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Working Directory Independence for PowerShell Scripts

pushd (split-path $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path);

Not quite as simple or memorable as the batch file version sadly…

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