Friday, June 11, 2010

Converting to Int

You wouldn’t have thought that such as basic operation as turning a double into an integer would be so poorly understood, but it is. There are three basic approaches in .Net:

  • Explicit casting, i.e. (int)x
  • Format, using String.Format, or x.ToString(formatString)
  • Convert.ToInt32

What’s critical to realise is that all of these do different things:

    var testCases = new[] {0.4, 0.5, 0.51, 1.4, 1.5, 1.51};

    Console.WriteLine("Input  Cast   {0:0}  Convert.ToInt32");

    foreach (var testCase in testCases)


        Console.WriteLine("{0,5} {1,5} {2,5:0} {3,5}", testCase, (int)testCase, testCase, Convert.ToInt32(testCase));


Input  Cast   {0:0} Convert.ToInt32
0.4 0 0 0
0.5 0 1 0
0.51 0 1 1
1.4 1 1 1
1.5 1 2 2
1.51 1 2 2

As my basic test above shows, just casting is the equivalent of Math.Floor – it looses the fraction. This surprises some people.

But look again at the results for 0.5 and 1.5. Using a format string rounds up[1], to 1 and 2, whereas using Convert.ToInt32 performs bankers rounding[2] (rounds to even) to 0 and 2. This surprises a lot of people, and you’d be forgiven for missing it in the doco (here vs. here):

Even more interesting is that PowerShell is different, in that the [int] cast in PowerShell is the same as a Convert.Int32, not a Math.Floor():

> $testCases = 0.4,0.5,0.51,1.4,1.5,1.51
> $testCases | % { "{0,5} {1,5} {2,5:0} {3,5}" -f $_,[int]$_,$_,[Convert]::ToInt32($_) }

Input Cast {0:0} Convert.ToInt32
0.4 0 0 0
0.5 0 1 0
0.51 1 1 1
1.4 1 1 1
1.5 2 2 2
1.51 2 2 2

This is a great gotcha, since normally I’d use PowerShell to test this kind of behaviour, and I’d have seen the wrong thing (note to self: use LinqPad more)


[1] More precisely it rounds away from zero, since negative numbers round to the larger negative number.

[2] According to Wikipedia bankers rounding is a bit of a misnomer for ‘round to even’, and even the MSDN doco on Math.Round seems to have stopped using the term.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Splatting Hell

Recently both at work and at home I was faced with the same problem: a PowerShell ‘control’ script that needed to pass parameters down to an arbitrary series of child scripts (i.e. enumerating over scripts in a directory, and executing them in turn).

I needed a way of binding the parameters passed to the child scripts to what was passed to the parent script, and I thought that splatting would be a great fit here. Splatting, if you aren’t aware of it, is a way of binding a hashtable or array to a command’s parameters:

# ie replace this:
dir -Path:C:\temp -Filter:*

# with this:
$dirArgs = @{Filter="*"; Path="C:\temp"}
dir @dirArgs

Note the @ sign on the last line. That’s the splatting operator (yes, its also the hashtable operator as @{}, and the array operator as @(). It’s a busy symbol). It binds $dirArgs to the parameters, rather than attempting to pass $dirArgs as the first positional argument.

So I thought I could just use this to pass any-and-all arguments passed to my ‘master’ script, and get them bound to the child scripts. By name, mind, not by position. That would be bad, because each of the child scripts has different parameters. I want PowerShell to do the heavy lifting of binding the appropriate parameters to the child scripts.

Gotcha #1

I first attempted to splat $args, but I’d forgotten that $args is only the ‘left over’ arguments after all the positional arguments had been taken out. These go into $PSBoundParameters

Gotcha #2

…but only the ones that actually match parameters in the current script/function. Even if you pass an argument to a script in ‘named parameter’ style, like this:

SomeScript.ps1 –someName:someValue

…if there’s no parameter ‘someName’ on that script, this goes into $args as two different items, one being ‘-someName:’ and the next being ‘someValue’. This was surprising. Worse, once the arguments are split up in $args they get splatted positionally, even if they would otherwise match parameters on what’s being called. This seems like a design mistake to me (update: there is a Connect issue for this).

Basically what this meant was that, unless I started parsing $args myself, all the parameters on all the child scripts had to be declared on the parent (or at least all the ones I wanted to splat).

Gotcha #3

Oh, and $PSBoundParameters only contains the named parameters assigned by the caller. Those left unset, i.e. using default values, aren’t in there. So if you want those defaults to propagate, you’ll have to add them back in yourself:

function SomeFunction(
    $someValue = 'my default'
    $PSBoundParameters['someValue'] = $someValue

Very tiresome.

Gotcha #4

$PSBoundParameters gets reset after you dotsource another script, so you need to capture a reference to it before that :-(

Gotcha #5

Just when you thought you were finished, if you’re using [CmdLetBinding] then you’ll probably get an error when splatting, because you’re trying to splat more arguments than the script you’re calling actually has parameters.

To avoid the error you’ll have to revert to a ‘vanilla’ from an ‘advanced’ function, but since [CmdLetBinding] is implied by any of the [Parameter] attributes, you’ll have to remove those too :-( So back to $myParam = $(throw ‘MyParam is required’) style validation, unfortunately.

(Also, if you are using CmdLetBinding, remember to remove any [switch]$verbose parameters (or any others that match the ‘common’ cmdlet parameters), or you’ll get another error about duplicate properties when splatting, since your script now has a –Verbose switch automatically. The duplication only becomes an issue when you splat)

What Did We Learn?

Either: Don’t try this at home.

Or: Capture PSBoundParameters, put the defaults back in, splat it to child scripts not using CmdLetBinding or being ‘advanced functions’

Type your parameters, and put your guard throws back, just in case you end up splatting positionally

Have a lie down

Viewing MDX Data with WPF (redux)

Spend most of the day today grappling with binding a WPF datagrid to a DataSet loaded from a parameterized MDX query.

The first gotcha was that SSAS expects its parameterized queries to be passed using the ICommandWithParameters interface, however the OleDb provider for .Net doesn’t support named parameters (except for sprocs). This is a ‘fixed’ Connect issue – fixed as in ‘still broken in .Net 4 but marked as fixed because we can’t be bothered’.


So rather than use parameters, I’m now using string replacement on my source query text. Just great:

    // So have to do manual parameterization :-(

    query = query

        .Replace("@date", dateKey)

        .Replace("@time", timeKey)


Then of course the WPF data grid wouldn’t show the data (despite the DataSet visualizer working just fine). It bound and showed columns just fine using AutoGenerateColumns:

    dataGrid1.ItemsSource = dataSet.Tables[0].DefaultView;



…but all the rows showed blank!

Eventually I noticed a spew of debug output, listing the binding failures:

System.Windows.Data Error: 17 : Cannot get 'Item[]' value (type 'Object') from '' (type 'DataRowView'). BindingExpression:Path=[Blah1].[Blah2].[Blah3].[MEMBER_CAPTION]; DataItem='DataRowView' (HashCode=66744534); target element is 'TextBlock' (Name=''); target property is 'Text' (type 'String') TargetInvocationException:'System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.ArgumentException: Blah1 is neither a DataColumn nor a DataRelation for table TheTableName.

at System.Data.DataRowView.get_Item(String property)

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

This all seemed awfully familiar, and fortunately I happened across a helpful blog article (which I wrote!) explaining the problem. This time it is AutoGenerateColumns that’s generated the wrong binding path, causing WPF to try and find ‘deep’ members (attempting to walk multiple indexers) rather than just bind to a column with that name.

The fix is something like this:

    // This works

    var table = dataSet.Tables[0];


    dataGrid1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

    foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in dataSet.Tables[0].Columns)


        dataGrid1.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn


              Header = dataColumn.ColumnName,

              Binding = new Binding("[" + dataColumn.ColumnName + "]")



    dataGrid1.ItemsSource = table.DefaultView;


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

One-line TODO Extractor in PowerShell

I previously wrote a PowerShell TODO extractor, that blasts through an entire source hierarchy looking for TODOs, and reports them to the console, complete with a few lines of context either side so you can tell what you’re looking at. It was like, 20 lines of code.

Well blow me if v2 just doesn’t do it out of the box:

PS > dir . -filter:*.cs -recurse | select-string "\sTODO\s" -context:4 -CaseSensitive

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