Friday, May 30, 2008

Don't be Stupid

Years ago I was working on a project and I came up with a fantastic idea to help limit the level of regressions in the codebase I was working on. Rather than write unit tests as little throwaway test harnesses, I moved them into the codebase, and created a little app to execute them. It even did this via reflection, so as we added more tests, they got run too.

I thought I was being pretty clever.

I was being very stupid. I'd just re-invented xUnit, and didn't even know. [1]

It's a particular type of stupidity that manifests itself only in those who'd otherwise regard themselves as anything but: we get so wrapped up in our great idea that we stop to consider that someone else might have done this already. Programmers are particularly badly afflicted by this, mostly because it suits our vanity to create it ourselves.

There was already an automated testing community, that had over time evolved what worked and what didn't, the practical upshot of which - for a .Net developer at the time - was that NUnit already existed. I could have spent the time writing more tests instead. Or better still, more screens, which is what I was actually being paid for.

The last three applications I've worked on have all involved considerable custom frameworks (stupid) including a custom databinding scheme (very stupid). They were written by clever people, most of whom I respect, but they did some stupid things that less able programmers wouldn't have been able to do. Clever isn't always a complement in the agile camp, and this is why.

Of course 5 years of hindsight is a wonderful thing, and I've written my share of head-slappingly dumb code too. And it's all too easy to succumbed to the 'quick fix' fallacy when the boss is breathing down your neck : after all it's so much easier to get started writing your own framework than to learn to use someone else's.

But once you start down the dark path, forever will it haunt your destiny[2]. Which is why I make this plee to you now:
Please, before you put finger to keyboard again, consider whether what you're about to write has already been written.
Don't be stupid.

[1] To be fair to my erstwhile self, at least I was actually doing some testing, which was more than had been done before on that project
[2] Or that particular project at any rate

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Enabling multiple RDP sessions in Vista

After many days of frigging around I realised those Vista multiple remote desktop hacks (that you find from google) are all broken by SP1. That page' on that is supposed to draw all this together still hasn’t been updated with this new info.

However add SP1 to your search and you find this other thread, which works:

Ah, the joys of subsequent-threads-with-lower-page-rank-than-the-original-now-outdated-info.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Running ASP.Net webservices under a service account

Most of the time I run websites and webservices in an app pool that's running as Network Service. It just saves a whole truck load of time and hastle:
* no passwords to worry about
* already trusted for kerberos delegation
* can still use it to talk to a database under integrated security (you just grant access to the machinename$ account in the domain).

Hey - this is what this account was *invented* for.

However, sometimes a specific service account is a must. Reasons include:
* Needing to differentiate access rights between applications running on the same host
* Needing to authenticate back across a one-way domain trust
* Specific policy mandates

Unfortunately you can't just add any account to IIS_WPG and use it, because the ACL on windows\temp is wrong: and grants access to network service rather than to the group. Miss this one, and you'll just get serialization errors left right and center.

So I do this:

Net localgroup iis_wpg /add mydomain\myserviceaccount
cacls %systemroot%\temp /E /G IIS_WPG:C

...then when you change the identity of the app pool you won't get 'Service Unavailable'.

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