Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Watching files for changes

The moral of the story is, if you want to watch a file for changes, don't just listen to the Changed event on a FileSystemWatcher.

Different applications save files in different ways. Some just overwrite the original file, in which case Changed fires. Others attempt to create a two-phase commit transaction, so either the changes get saved or your original file is preserved (in case of a power outage). However depending on how they do this, they might never raise a Changed event against the file you're looking for - they might (for example) do all the changes to a temp file, then rename it.

Watching C:\*.* with a FileWatcherTestUI.NonBufferedFileSystemWatcher and updating a file 'UpdateSql.txt':

[2006-07-10T10:45:27.1245966+08:00] Changed: C:\UpdateSQL.txt
[2006-07-10T10:45:27.1402217+08:00] Changed: C:\UpdateSQL.txt
[2006-07-10T10:45:27.2183472+08:00] Changed: C:\UpdateSQL.txt

VS 2003
[2006-07-10T10:45:17.3432840+08:00] Created: C:\ve-329.tmp
[2006-07-10T10:45:17.3589091+08:00] Changed: C:\ve-329.tmp
[2006-07-10T10:45:17.3589091+08:00] Changed: C:\ve-329.tmp
[2006-07-10T10:45:17.3589091+08:00] Changed: C:\ve-329.tmp
[2006-07-10T10:45:17.3745342+08:00] Changed: C:\UpdateSQL.txt
[2006-07-10T10:45:17.4214095+08:00] Changed: C:\UpdateSQL.txt
[2006-07-10T10:45:17.4526597+08:00] Changed: C:\UpdateSQL.txt
[2006-07-10T10:45:17.4682848+08:00] Deleted: C:\ve-329.tmp

VS 2005
[2006-07-10T10:45:37.3277869+08:00] Created: C:\ve-32B.tmp
[2006-07-10T10:45:37.3277869+08:00] Changed: C:\ve-32B.tmp
[2006-07-10T10:45:37.3434120+08:00] Changed: C:\ve-32B.tmp
[2006-07-10T10:45:37.3902873+08:00] Changed: C:\ve-32B.tmp
[2006-07-10T10:45:37.4371626+08:00] Changed: C:\ve-32B.tmp
[2006-07-10T10:45:37.4527877+08:00] Created: C:\UpdateSQL.txt~RFf7eb451.TMP
[2006-07-10T10:45:37.4684128+08:00] Deleted: C:\UpdateSQL.txt
[2006-07-10T10:45:37.4684128+08:00] Changed: C:\UpdateSQL.txt~RFf7eb451.TMP
[2006-07-10T10:45:37.4840379+08:00] Renamed: C:\UpdateSQL.txt (from ve-32B.tmp)
[2006-07-10T10:45:37.4996630+08:00] Deleted: C:\UpdateSQL.txt~RFf7eb451.TMP

Prefer Singletons to Static classes

It's a common scenario: you have some core facade class with a load of stateless methods on it that delegate activity down to other layers. There didn't seem much point in having the overhead of instantiating the class to use the methods, so you made all the methods static. You've made a static class.

Trouble is, static classes just aren't as flexible as the alternative: a singleton. For example:

* Static classes can't implement interface contracts
* Static classes can't be passed around or used polymorphically
* Inheritance of static classes is a minefield
* You can't make static members virtual or abstract.

This might not be an issue straight up - in many cases it may never be an issue at all - but when it does you'll be kicking yourself.

Take the scenario where you decide somewhere along the line that your facade isn't the be-all-and-end-all, and that you want to swap implementations in different circumstances. You don't want your objects to know about it, so you refactor the facade into some kind of proxy-by-composition. Still you're tied to having only one implementation active at any one time.

By contrast if you'd started as a singleton, it's pretty easy to change which subclass gets setup on the singleton. Its also far easier to migrate to a dependency-injection type architecture later down the line to support multiple implementations being used in parallel (this also then decouples the objects from the facade/singleton, which is a benefit in plugin-style architectures). And it's far easier to refactor some of the functionality out of the class into a base class, and start replicating your facade functionality in other scenarios.

On a more mundane point, when setting up a static facade you're doing work in the static class constructor. When this throws, it throws TypeInitializationException. With a singleton you get the choice - lazy init via static field init (still throws TypeInitializationException), or via first-property access, which will throw an exception you'll have a chance of debugging.

Go the singleton straight off (a rule I've once again re-learnt the hard way).

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